Tuesday, 16 January 2007

nous commençons!

Classes have resumed and the skin pigmentation under my eyes is starting to show it. Yesterday I arrived at school around 10h and didn't leave until 18h35 (my last class finished at 18h); I suppose it wasn't too bad as I only had a few lectures but I almost fell asleep in my last lecture (Mathematical Finance). The first day is usually very unruly, because most students have a compulsive disorder in which they must share every detail with their friends with regards to what they have done during the winter break, and they just won't shut up during lectures.

Today I have two hours of computer labs, which ought to be fun, and then I have a late lecture. I'm still slightly worried about my project despite the claim of completion I made in my previous post. I keep changing the style of referencing and now I'm considering changing the content of the last chapter, as I'm not sure whether it fairly reflects the work of Galois. I still have over two weeks to 'complete' it, but I don't want it hanging over my head.

Are we soon to see the deunification of the united kingdom? Both Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales have either their own parliament or an assembly, and now 61% of people in England want an English Parliament. This could mean the monarchy may soon become irrelevant and Pandeus' plans would have succeeded, rejoice! This will be his greatest achievement since that time he invaded Norway after attending a nationalist sing-along.

My computer lab session appears to be cancelled but now I must study other subjects, so au revoir!


Nomes said...

Referencing: use a commercial program - possibly on loan from the library at your school. Then, enter your references into the dbase provided, put the idnumbers for each reference into your document and you can change from "oooh, vancouver" to "aahhh, biomedical abstracts" in, literally, the flick of a few buttons.

Made my PhD finishable. Good luck.

Clau said...

Aah...nothing says classes as the skin pigmentation under the eyes...
I guess its just a way of nature to remind us everyday as we look in the mirror that we should keep studying...