Tuesday, 26 December 2006


...25th December! It was a grand old day. However I spent most of it in my room with a splitting headache to my great dismay! I received mostly garments to cover my body, and two other gifts which I will exchange for something more useful (through my mothers willingness). The food was rather tasty, although I didn't eat until around 19h00, we had chicken instead of turkey to my delight!

But other than that, it was a waste of a day (as predicted in point 5 here), a day in which I hardly studied at all. In fact, I have studied very little for the past 3 days I have been here. Once I return tomorrow, I must quickly re-establish my strict work ethics and continue my intense programme of pure mathematics. The history (maths) project is due in 6 weeks I believe, but I intend to finish before the next semester begins (less than 3 weeks) and looking at my current work rate, this seems highly unlikely. I have all the information avaliable to me, I've just been extremely slow (and lazy) in extracting it.

On that note, Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good morning! (it's 8h48)

1 comment:

Clau said...

Well, I spent Christmas with food poisoning, eating apples and watching Capote on DVD. Food poisoning aside...it was not so bad :)

Thanks for your comments on my cellphone pics blog, and no...the pic was not sideways on purpose, but there is no way to correct it when you are sending it through the cellphone. hehe so... since I was internet-less for the last couple of days, that was the best I could do hehe.

Take care!!